Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Weekend

I hope you're already enjoying a lovely weekend! Taro and the boys and I are headed downtown to hang out at an Our Time workshop all day, so we're looking forward to a lot of fun and friends. Later, we have plans to watch E.T. for the first time with Jackson (a movie that's kind of a great resurrection allegory in the spirit of Easter, if you think about it!) He's my little cinephile and really excited to see it, especially since we had this conversation outlining the plot:

"Mom, what's an E.T.?"

"It stands for extraterrestrial."

"What's extraterrestrial?"

"An alien life form."

"What's an alien life form?"

"Well, some people think that with all the stars and planets and galaxies in the Universe, that there is the possibility that other creatures exist on other planets -- kind of like humans or animals -- but they're so far away we just haven't met them yet, or figured out how to communicate. This movie is a pretend, imaginative story about what might happen if a little alien creature came to Earth and became best friends with a human little boy."


In other news, here are some fun links:

Freedom boobs! Here, here, and here.

Redbook asked me to contribute some of my tips for a lasting marriage! You can read what I had to say, here.


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