Monday, June 30, 2008


Last night the three of us went to see Wall-E. It was wonderful. You should go.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Apple Store Silliness

From a couple of weeks ago...

Amazing Giveaway Alert!

I just got a tip about this incredible giveaway happening over at Along for the Ride. The winner of the contest will receive the "Essential Babywearing Stash." The stash includes one Gypsy Mama Wrap, one Hotslings pouch, one BabyHawk Mei Tai, one Beco Butterfly, and one ZoloWear Ring Sling - in the winner's choice of any in-stock colors or patterns.

There is no purchase necessary to win, so zip over to the contest and enter!

New Wire Couture

For the past few weeks, I've returned to the studio to prepare for an upcoming show at Simie Maryles Gallery in Provincetown. Here is the first piece of Wire Couture I've finished, entitled Ruthie:

You can check out my website to see more of my sculpture and projects.
I'll post more new things here soon...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Seeing Sex And The City

Yesterday my sister and the Kiddo and I went to see Sex And The City. I haven't taken the Kiddo to a movie in months and I was not hopeful that he would be still and quiet through this one (the last time we only made about half an hour into Horton Hears a Who before it became clear that he was finished being mesmerized by the on-screen antics and was more interested in creating his own Dr. Seuss-inspired antics by trying to run up and down the isles and climb on the seat in front of us, so we made a quick departure).

At SATC I was totally prepared to spend the whole time out in the lobby, but gosh darn if the little prince didn't sit on my lap in the front row and watch quietly for a whole hour! After that, without making a peep, he nursed a bit and then got a little restless so I put him in the Ergo and stood in the back of the theater while he nursed and slept for the rest of the movie!

Maybe my impression of the film was colored by the amazing fact that I was able to watch an entire movie for the first time in so long, but I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Having read a few of the anything-but-glowing reviews of the flick, my expectations were very low. So imagine my surprise when I found myself laughing and even shedding a couple of tears here and there! It was not great cinema, but wow, what fun!

Like I told my sister when we were leaving, creaky dialogue and credibility-straining plot points be damned, the movie fits into its own category: Emotional Retail Porn.

Have you seen the movie? What did you think of it?

Etsy Find: Red Ruby Rose

Check out Etsy shop Red Ruby Rose for some truly marvelous little clutches:

Street Fashion Pick of the Day

I heart Geek Chic! Dig that fuchsia graffiti that just happens to match her dress and her lipstick! These are the sorts of things that make my day. Thank you, Garance Dore.

Hetty Rose Shoes

I found these today and I am kind of freaking out. How beautiful are these shoes? Each pair is custom made to order, and vintage kimono fabric is used as the covering on the uppers. It's no wonder they are so fabulous - the designer, Henrietta Rose Samuels, studied for one year with shoe goddess Georgina Goodman. Via Nibs.


Witness, a bookcase that is a staircase. Brilliant, no?

Via Geekologie.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Redhead Envy

I came across this image last week on a street fashion blog, and I was positively riveted by the look. Not just the color of the hair, but its incredible shape, along with the overall intensity of the woman's expression (those brows! Those lips!) really stuck with me. In fact it triggered the realization that I have always harbored a serious case of Redhead Envy!

It probably all started I was five years old, which is when I became addicted to playing my LP record of the soundtrack from the 1982 movie version of Annie. I couldn't get enough of the songs, always making up my own living room choreography to go along with them, while rapturously envisioning myself as feisty, self-reliant, unapologetically flame-haired, and stupendously lucky orphan. Sometimes I would go so far as to re-enact the nail biter of a scene from the movie where Annie is dangling by her fingertips from the bridge, trying to evade the villains played so deliciously by Tim Curry and Bernadette Peters. To do this, I would dangle by my fingertips from the back of the couch. I was a tall five year old, so this maneuver required that I hold my knees up so as not to have my feet touching the floor, while yelling "Punjab, help me!" (Hey, what was lost in realism was made up for in sheer enthusiasm!)

The matter of Redhead Envy was compounded when I was around nine years old and I discovered Anne of Green Gables. I actually remember seeing the 1985 movie for the first time at a playmate's birthday party, and I was immediately hooked. Soon after, I read every Anne book I could get my hands on and watched the series of films religiously. I really identified with this literary character more than any I have encountered before or since. Anne's obsession with imagination and romance, her devotion to books and poetry, her grandiose vocabulary, tendency toward mishap, and her weakness for fashion all spoke to me and entertained me mightily.

These two old favorites had receded in my memory until recently, when I happened to see an add for the 20th anniversary edition of the Anne movies, and two things hit me: First, I have now lived long enough to have a favorite something turn twenty years old three years ago! Yikes. Second, I would love to see those movies again! That got me rummaging around on youtube, where I laughed till my sides hurt (here) and bawled till I couldn't see straight (here) watching clips of my dear old redheads, Annie and Anne.

I guess the love is stronger than the envy!

And since we're on the topic, I also happened to recently stumble across an apropos blog called A Rare Breed that is devoted to portraits of redheads (boy, was this post inevitable, or what?!).

Here are a few of my favorites:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

{It's All In the} Marvelous Details

After a few hectic days and the onset of a matching mother-son cold, I finally got some time to myself this morning (bless my sister's heart, she is a fabulous babysitter!) to catch up on my hobby of trawling for little inspirations online. Here are a few of the resulting finds, which are almost enough to make a girl stop wheezing and sniffling. I just have to share:

Artist Frances Trombley's hand-embroidered take on a Publix receipt (via This Is Glamorous):

These glorious Uppercase and Lowercase scarves from Little Factory (via MStetson Design):

Ok, love the bangs, scarf, and tailored shirt. Three things I always have a hard time pulling off (via Garance Dore):

And of some lucky Parisian kid's rooms, these two enchanting photos...the cubbyhole bookshelves! The gorgeous dollhouse! The loft hideaway! Oh my! (via Ohdeedoh):

Under The Weather

Monday, June 16, 2008

Open to Interpretation...

The above photo of Gweneth Paltrow is in the current issue of Harper's Bazaar. The quote reads "I don't want to look like a mother who doesn't care."


Via The Cut.

Style Inspiration of the Day

Way to work the heck out of those poofy trousers, little mama!

Via Cafe Mode.

Little Rainbows to Brighten Your Day

The Kiddo was having a sad and struggle-y time waking up from his nap today. To cheer him up my sister and I cued up the videos of some of his favorite songs on youtube. As we watched (and he started to feel better) it struck me that these three pieces all have fun riffs on rainbow-y color...

Here they are:

Color Wow

This aerial view of tulip fields in the Netherlands just took my breath away...

Via Apartmenttherapy.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Love

Sending love and thanks to all the Dads out there this Father's Day, especially to the two that mean the most to me: My hubby and my own dad!

Here are some of my favorite shots from T's first year of fatherhood, followed by three vintage photos of me and my dad, back in the day. You guys are the best and I love you sooooo much!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fabulous Home Birth Mom (To-Be) of the Day: Laila Ali

Us Magazine is reporting that Laila Ali (tv personality and daughter of Muhammad Ali) is planning a "natural home birth with no medication" and a midwife present. She is expecting a baby boy in three months.