Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Laila Ali Inspired by The Business of Being Born

Last month I posted about the home birth that Laila Ali is planning. Well, I'm back with an update, as last week Laila opened up about her thoughts on the matter on her personal blog. It seems that she found the Ricki Lake documentary The Business of Being Born to be quite eye-opening and inspirational. In her own words:

"A little while back, I wrote that I had some exciting news to share. Well, guess what? I have decided that I am going to have a natural home-birth! That's right, I am going to have my son in my own home with no medications. Curtis Jr. will be delivered by a midwife.

I did a lot of research before I made the decision. Like most women, I didn't know that there were so many different birthing options. I thought I had to get an OBGYN and give birth at the hospital. Once I got a hold of Ricki Lake's documentary called THE BUSINESS OF BEING BORN (thebusinessofbeingborn.com) and as soon as I watched the DVD, I knew home-birth was for me. I was so thankful that I learned that it was an option before it was too late. I want to be in full control of my body and give birth to my son the same way women have been doing for thousands of years. Our bodies were made to birth and I trust the process. I encourage all women to educate themselves on all of the options available when it comes to having a child whether it is in a hospital or at home.

I am 33 weeks pregnant now, time has gone by so fast! Only about 7 more weeks until my boy is here."

I love that Laila emphasizes the importance of mothers-to-be educating themselves on their birthing options and learning that there are wonderful, healthy alternatives to the type of institutionalized, intervention-oriented birth that is the status quo in the US right now. Like Laila, while I was pregnant I was totally impacted in a positive way by the film The Business of Being Born and I encourage you to see it. Here's the trailer:

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