Friday, July 23, 2010


The woman in the above photo is my little sister, Erin. And she is every bit as #gorgeousgracefulkickassawesome as the photo would indicate. She has actually been staying with us here in the Big Apple for the last couple of months, while she attends the Professional Division Summer Intensive at Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. I haven't posted about this exciting fact sooner because sadly, even though Erin has been here since mid-June, I have actually seen very little of her. She's been dancing like crazy and, well, we keep going out of town! We've been like ships passing in the night!

This is Erin with her man, Robby, who took these first two beautiful photos. Really, could she be any prettier? Actually, she is -- in real life. And ripped, too. 5-8 hours of dance per day will do that do a person. Do not mess with her.

Meanwhile, Aunt Erin is the loveliest, funnest goofball you will ever meet. Do you see the mutual adoration beaming out of the above faces? It's beyond. The top photo is from two summers ago, the bottom one is from a few days ago.

With her six-week dance intensive drawing to a close soon, I've been getting all wistful that Erin is about to head back to Mississippi, and we've barely had any quality time. So with that sad thought in mind, we finally got our acts together and spent some sister-time together yesterday and today. (Special thanks to Riki who is also in town, and who has been spending time with the Kiddos while Erin and I galavant around!)

First stop: watching the latest episode of The Bachelorette on Hulu. Erin is a Bachelor/Bachelorette connoisseur, and I find watching the show with her to be infinitely more hilarious and entertaining than watching it alone (which usually depresses me as much as it rivets me). Together, we split our sides laughing at the cheesy-over-the-topness and arguing over who will win. Erin: Team Chris. Me: Team Roberto.

Next, we went for 20-dollar mani-pedis, and took silly phone pics of the colorful results. Woot.

Today we set out to see a movie, and after debating between the latest installment of the Twilight Saga and The Kids Are Alright, we decided in favor of the latter.

Total instant classic. Deliciously real, sweet and human, this movie features fantastic writing, an amazing ensemble cast, and is as laugh-out-loud-funny as it is heartbreaking. Plus, there is Mark Ruffalo, positively radiating hotness off the screen. Like, woah.

We walked home up Columbus Ave, stopping for snacks here and here. Yes, that's right, we shared an Italian doughnut as a prelude to our burgers and fries, (eeps!).

What a grand time. Erin doesn't leave until the end of the month, but I miss her already. Nothing compares to having a sister. Especially when she so epically rocks.

Love you, girl ;)

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