Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saturday At Our Time

The Kiddo loves accompanying his dad to the weekly Our Time workshops every weekend, and I can't say I blame him.  He gets to run around all day and play theatre games with a bunch of fun kids who lavish him with attention and affection!  Usually T and the Kiddo leave together around 10 am, work with the company for a couple of hours, and then I come pick the Kiddo up for lunch.  Yesterday, as we were finishing up our meal at Whole Foods, the Kiddo started saying "Our Time!" (which actually sounds more like "Ahh TIM!").  He was so eager to go back to the workshop that I happily obliged, and we returned, ultimately spending the rest of the day there.  Of course, by the time we got back to the rehearsal space, the Kiddo was getting drowsy from all that playing and eating, and this is how he spent the next couple of hours, sprawled out on the floor on the makeshift bed of my coat:

So, it was a marvelous day (I happily read while he slumbered away to the rowdy background sounds of singing, dancing and improv-ing teens).  

I just have to add a giddy little note here, calling your attention to the boots appearing in the top right corner of the above photo.  Those are my new boots.  I snagged them yesterday on our way back from lunch.  Possibly the greatest steal this bargain-hunter has ever lassoed, these Jeffrey Campbell over-the-knee babies originally retailed for $210, but were on sale for $29.99.  Eighty-five percent off, people.  That was a total wear-it-out-of-the-store-beaming-with-shopper's-high kind of moment.  I don't care if it's officially Spring now and I should be shopping for sandals!  Next photo, a detail (because I'm still so darn excited!!!):

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