Friday, January 8, 2010

Baby Cuddles

The response to my call for photos showing delicious baby cuddles has been amazing! So many readers have responded already that I couldn't wait to go ahead and post these beautiful images. Thank you so much to all of these glorious mamas papas and babies for sharing the love!

The first photo, above, was submitted by Mary Catherine Hamelin, who wrote, "I'm in love with everything about this picture except that my daughter's face is hidden, but grassy cuddles are my favorite. Something about cold weather and being cushioned by a puffy coat always makes me want to lay in the grass...but it's never long before my sweet little one runs up and attacks me with a hug. This picture reminds me how happy she makes me, and how big these small moments really are."

The next two photos were sent in by my good friend Stephanie (remember her and Makai from the Baby Mamas video?) I love that we get to see a good cuddle happening here between Makai and his dad, Keith, and the one of Stephanie and Makai is just priceless. Read more about this beautiful family at Wild About Baby:
The next lovely baby smooch was sent in by Tina, and is followed by a beautiful breastfeeding photo and Tina's sweet description of these moments:
"Where I live, I was a freak for breastfeeding, much less for doing it for 14 months. I got lots of taunts about using a sling vs. using those carriers (I hate those things.)...The first pic is my son around 6 months in his pouch. I love it because it is one of the few pics I have of him in his pouch and he could now sit up in it, which meant I got to kiss his head a lot. The second pic was of the very last time I nursed my son in the morning at about 13 mths (He kept leaving the breast and wanting to play with a cup!I continued to nurse him to sleep at night until one night at 14 months he actually brought me a cup. LOL!). I share it because sadly it's the only picture I have of nursing him. SO it means a lot to me and I wish I had more pics."

Look at Maeghan's amazing photo:And here are her words: "I thought I would send you this picture of me and my son, Milo. He is 6 days old in the picture and I was calming him in between shots for his newborn photoshoot. He had a rough start (2 readmissions to the hospital in his first week of life) and I was having a hard time achieving the normal "blissed out" new baby feeling, but the love was there and thats all we needed. He is now a happy and healthy BIG baby and our family of 4 is as happy as can be."

The next series of photos is from my blog-friend Jora, of the fabulous blog, Domestic Reflections. How delicious are these?
I love love love the joy that is evident in these next two cuddles, sent in by Wendy, featuring her daughter, the adorable and wonderfully-named Dahlia Sophia Evangeline. Don't these two pics just make your heart sing?
Here's another beautiful example of a father holding things down on the baby-cuddles front. Thanks to Franceska for sending it in:
And now for a perfect illustration of how babywearing is the ultimate way to facilitate cuddling and smooching! Here, Natalie steals a little kiss from her baby while slinging her:
I think this next photo is of the newest baby! Mama Kelly had this to say about this tender moment: "She was born Nov 29 so right before Christmas and this picture was taken on Christmas Eve by my husband. I was exhausted, adjusting to a new baby (and second child) and doing the whole Christmas thing. But I was also so aware of the moment and how little and cuddly she was and so wanted to live in it forever."
Last but not least:
The email accompanying this photo stopped me i my tracks. It was a powerful reminder to cherish every cuddle with my beautiful children. Thank you so much, Sarah, for sharing your story: "When Jude was two months old, we were involved in a terrible car crash on the highway. A drunk driver rear-ended us going 140km/h without slowing down or braking at all. We had to crawl out of the windows and crushed doors before getting his carseat down from the roof of the car. Hubby and I miraculously walked away with minor injuries but baby fractured his collarbone and had a brain hemorraghe. After a week in hospital confined to a bed, unable to nurse or cuddle him he finally recovered enough so we could take him home. This is my first cuddle with Jude after bringing him home from the hospital. What an incredible relief to hold him in my arms again - I never wanted to let him go! He's now 6 months and doing just great :)"

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