Friday, January 21, 2011

Have a Healthy Weekend

I woke up in the wee hours this morning to the sudden cries of my (normally) solid-sleeping oldest child. He sat bolt upright, called for me, and then puked in the bed. Man, oh man. As a parent, there's nothing quite like navigating the treacherous waters of a child's sickness in the dead of night. It is disorienting and upsetting and exhausting and just downright sad for all parties involved.

Obviously it sucks for the kid who is sick, but it also sucks for the sibling who is fine but whose sleep is disrupted by the brouhaha, and it sucks for the folks on cleanup/health-vigil-duty (AKA, mom and dad).

But the weird thing is, as a parent you just deal. Before having kids, I don't think I would have had it in me to awake from deep sleep suddenly and perform tasks of organization and grace involving the swift and thorough cleanup of bodily fluids, all while comforting multiple toddlers. Neither did Taro. But now, we're like the a-team. We rock it out with stomachs of iron.

So we made it through the night, and J felt better in the morning, and W caught up on his rest and has thus far remained healthy, and after Taro left for work grandma came over, and we spent the day watching it snow, and doing the laundry, and playing games, and resting, and breastfeeding, and reading, and watching movies.

As night falls again, everyone seems to be on the rebound and it was actually a pretty magical day.

Instead of a link list, I'm going to leave you with two of the highlights of our day. We plowed through this amazing book that we recently brought home from the library:

And we watched this breathtakingly beautiful, sweet film on Netflix instant download:

Both works are about bold-hearted, adventuring children. You will love them, I know.

I hope you have a healthy and wonderful weekend with a bit of magic on the side. XOXO.

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